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2023-24 School activities - "Parents' Workshop on "Game Interaction Experience
2023-24 School activities
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"Parents' Workshop on "Game Interaction Experience

How can parents enhance positive skills with their children through play interaction and understand their needs and emotions from their children's perspective to improve parent-child relationship? Therefore, our Parent-Teacher Committee organized a workshop on "Play Interaction Experience" for parents to understand the benefits of "parent-child play interaction" for their children and to learn how to use simple toys to engage in effective listening and responding skills with their children. The workshop was held in two sessions on March 16 and March 23, 2024 respectively.

The speaker of the program was Ms. Lee Wing Sze, a registered social worker. Ms. Lee has been engaged in social welfare work for more than 12 years and is now the social worker in charge of the "Parents Wiki" quality parent education program of Po Leung Kuk. Ms. Lee is passionate about parent education and has worked in elementary school, women's services, and child and family services in the past. In these two activities, Ms. Lee utilized live interactive game counseling demonstrations and parent exercises, hoping to convey positive and effective parenting attitudes, knowledge and skills to parents, and to become a peer of parents.
How can parents enhance positive skills with their children through play interaction and understand their needs and emotions from their children's perspective to improve parent-child relationship? Therefore, our Parent-Teacher Committee organized a workshop on "Play Interaction Experience" for parents to understand the benefits of "parent-child play interaction" for their children and to learn how to use simple toys to engage in effective listening and responding skills with their children. The workshop was held in two sessions on March 16 and March 23, 2024 respectively.

The speaker of the program was Ms. Lee Wing Sze, a registered social worker. Ms. Lee has been engaged in social welfare work for more than 12 years and is now the social worker in charge of the "Parents Wiki" quality parent education program of Po Leung Kuk. Ms. Lee is passionate about parent education and has worked in elementary school, women's services, and child and family services in the past. In these two activities, Ms. Lee utilized live interactive game counseling demonstrations and parent exercises, hoping to convey positive and effective parenting attitudes, knowledge and skills to parents, and to become a peer of parents.