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2023-24 School activities - Health Education Exhibition Centre
2023-24 School activities
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Health Education Exhibition Centre

In order to enhance children's awareness of environmental hygiene and food safety, our K2 Class visited the Health Education Exhibition Centre on 30 April 2024 to learn more about food, personal and environmental hygiene. Through the teacher's explanations of the exhibition facilities and interactive computer games, children learnt about food hygiene, food labelling, healthy eating and mosquito and rodent control methods to ensure personal hygiene, In addition, the children were introduced to "Tak", the cleaning dragon, and learnt how to dispose of rubbish properly and keep the streets clean, so that they can be clean and considerate children of Precious Blood!
In order to enhance children's awareness of environmental hygiene and food safety, our K2 Class visited the Health Education Exhibition Centre on 30 April 2024 to learn more about food, personal and environmental hygiene. Through the teacher's explanations of the exhibition facilities and interactive computer games, children learnt about food hygiene, food labelling, healthy eating and mosquito and rodent control methods to ensure personal hygiene, In addition, the children were introduced to "Tak", the cleaning dragon, and learnt how to dispose of rubbish properly and keep the streets clean, so that they can be clean and considerate children of Precious Blood!