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2023-24 School activities - Seminar on Primary One School Selection and Allocation (2)
2023-24 School activities
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Seminar on Primary One School Selection and Allocation (2)

For parents of the K2 classes who are about to enroll in elementary school, they are often worried about how to choose a school, how to fill in the school selection form, or what to pay attention to when knocking at the door. Therefore, our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) has organized the "Seminar on Primary One School Selection and Placement Allocation (2)" on 5 July 2024 to help parents to ease their worries. We are pleased to invite the Principal and Vice Principal of Precious Blood Primary School in Happy Valley to share the learning characteristics of the school. At the same time, we have also invited three parents of our current graduates to share their experience in preparing for the interview and knocking on the door, and we hope that the wealth of information and valuable experience they have shared can help parents of the younger classes to prepare their children for the transition to Primary One.
For parents of the K2 classes who are about to enroll in elementary school, they are often worried about how to choose a school, how to fill in the school selection form, or what to pay attention to when knocking at the door. Therefore, our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) has organized the "Seminar on Primary One School Selection and Placement Allocation (2)" on 5 July 2024 to help parents to ease their worries. We are pleased to invite the Principal and Vice Principal of Precious Blood Primary School in Happy Valley to share the learning characteristics of the school. At the same time, we have also invited three parents of our current graduates to share their experience in preparing for the interview and knocking on the door, and we hope that the wealth of information and valuable experience they have shared can help parents of the younger classes to prepare their children for the transition to Primary One.