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2023-24 School activities - Visit to Harbour Road Sports Centre
2023-24 School activities
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Visit to Harbour Road Sports Centre

On May 17, 20 and 24, 2024, the K1 students went to Harbour Road Sports Centre by school bus with their teachers. On that day, the teachers led the children to tour around the sports centre and learnt about different sports facilities and sports items, so as to cultivate the children's love for sports and to learn to be energetic and healthy babies together!
On May 17, 20 and 24, 2024, the K1 students went to Harbour Road Sports Centre by school bus with their teachers. On that day, the teachers led the children to tour around the sports centre and learnt about different sports facilities and sports items, so as to cultivate the children's love for sports and to learn to be energetic and healthy babies together!