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2023-24 School activities - Teaching Methodology Sharing Session
2023-24 School activities
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Teaching Methodology Sharing Session

Ms. Ma has been invited by the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Hong Kong University of Education as a guest speaker to share our experience of combining High Scope Approach and free play with local and English pre-service kindergarten teachers in March 2024 respectively. Both the university lecturers and students appreciated the teaching characteristics of our kindergarten, which utilizes the concept of high breadth and free play to enable children to develop their potentials and enrich their learning experiences.
Ms. Ma has been invited by the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Hong Kong University of Education as a guest speaker to share our experience of combining High Scope Approach and free play with local and English pre-service kindergarten teachers in March 2024 respectively. Both the university lecturers and students appreciated the teaching characteristics of our kindergarten, which utilizes the concept of high breadth and free play to enable children to develop their potentials and enrich their learning experiences.