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2023-24 School activities - Visit to South Horizons Precious Blood Primary School
2023-24 School activities
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Visit to South Horizons Precious Blood Primary School

On June 5, 2024, the K3 Class children had a visit to Precious Blood Primary School South Horizons. Principal Wong explained the life of elementary school to the K3 Class children in a lively and interesting way. After that, the school arranged senior brothers and sisters to lead us to visit the school and introduce the different facilities in the elementary school, including the library, English room, campus TV station, etc. We were also allowed to go to the Grade 1 prison to experience the activities of the elementary school classroom. In the course of the visit, we were able to get to know the elementary school environment and learning styles, so that the children could be well-prepared for the next stage of schooling, and could happily move on to the elementary school life.
On June 5, 2024, the K3 Class children had a visit to Precious Blood Primary School South Horizons. Principal Wong explained the life of elementary school to the K3 Class children in a lively and interesting way. After that, the school arranged senior brothers and sisters to lead us to visit the school and introduce the different facilities in the elementary school, including the library, English room, campus TV station, etc. We were also allowed to go to the Grade 1 prison to experience the activities of the elementary school classroom. In the course of the visit, we were able to get to know the elementary school environment and learning styles, so that the children could be well-prepared for the next stage of schooling, and could happily move on to the elementary school life.